The river pebbles will be the floor of the shower...the white tiles on the left will be the walls of the shower, with a couple of rows of the yummy frosted glass tiles as an accent. And the grey-green-blue tile on the right will be the floor of the bathroom. Pretty? I think so. I think it looks beachy and relaxing.
There sure are some pretty tiles out there.
And, speaking of pretty, our rhododendron is beginning to bloom.

In bad news...I think the sock I started yesterday will turn out too big. I think I might be ripping it out and starting over.
You don't have this problem with scarves....
I do love those colours straight out of nature. I used a stone from the local creek to select a colour of paint for our entry.
I am so loving the tile and stone~
Gorgeous tiles, especially the river pebbles!
Thanks for the (Aunt?) rhody pic -- I now have a brilliant wake-me-up desktop for a sleepy Monday.
How's that for a completely non-knitting comment?
Glad you like the picture, Daniel.
And non-knitty comments are welcome...heaven's knows this isn't always a completely knitty blog.
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