No picture, because really...the shawl is looking about the same as the last picture, unless you count the stripes.
And I think I am about done. I have a skein and a bit of the Fathom, so that's not a worry. But I only have about 100 grams of the Fiesta left and the last two-row stripe I did took about 6 grams. I am supposed to end the shawl with five garter stitch ridges...that is, ten row. Or 60+ grams, since every other row gets longer by four stitches. So I am thinking that I might start the end now. I am thinking that I might alternate rows of the Fiesta and the Fathom and maybe do a couple extra more rows of garter...I don't know. But I think the end is in sight. Which is good because Sheri will be giving us our second Camp Loopy project tomorrow and this one needs to be all finished up (blocked and photographed) by July 15th.
And yay! Tomorrow is Friday!
(Does the world really need another knitting blog?)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Boneyard -- Day Two
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I got my yard for the Boneyard shawl today! This is the project I have ti finish by July 15th if I want to be in the running for the end-of-camp gift from The LoopyEwe.
Madelinetosh Vintage in Fathom and Fiesta Boomerang in Undersea. (The names go together as well as the colors do!) Thank you, Loopy Ewe, for getting these to me so fast!
Now that I've gotten them, I'd better wind 'em.
And if I want to get this done by July 15th, I'd better get started knitting.
So I did.

Now that I've gotten them, I'd better wind 'em.

Monday, June 20, 2011
More Questions And Desultory Answers
Q: So….you’ve been quiet. Everything okay?
A: Yup.
Q: Really? Then why no blog entries?
A.: Dunno.
Q: People have been asking about you. (Well, two of them have been.) Why haven’t you written anything?
A: Didn’t feel like it.
Q: I know what it is. You’re just not doing anything. You have nothing to write about. Haven’t read any good books. Haven’t done any knitting.
A: Not true.
Q: So spill.
A: Fine. I went to my 35th college reunion a couple of weekends ago. Primarily so that I could see my friends Beth and Bev. I was hoping some other people would show up (Andy and Lil, I’m looking in your direction…not that either of you read this blog, so there’s that glare wasted) but they didn’t. Most of the people I not only didn’t recognize, the names didn’t even ring a bell. But it was a gorgeous day and it was good to see Beth and Bev again. Though, for the prices they charged for the (mediocre) lunch and the (pretty good) dinner, we could probably spend a day at a day spa and come home with change. The campus looks lovely…though I told Bev I thought this could backfire as I looked around the campus and found myself thinking, “Huh. I need my money more than F&M needs my money.”
Still, pretty college. And there was a bagpiper. Everything goes better with a bagpiper.

In other good news, I went back to my doctor and since March, I’ve lost 12 pounds. And more importantly, my numbers are better…bad cholesterol down from 153 to 131 and the total is 213 or something like that. So, onward and downward!

Q: What about the knitting?
A: Well, I’m still working on the blue socks that I started right after the pretty sunset ones. Even though they are just plain stockinette, they are going rather slowly because they are…not wonderful. The yarn is splitty – always a problem – and the resultant fabric is just sort of floppy and thin seeming. I don’t know how well these socks are going to wear.
And I'm going to camp! Well, sort of. The Loopy Ewe is hosting Camp Loopy…there will be three projects to do during the summer and if you finish all three on time, you end up with a gift at the end of the summer. I’d like to do Stephen West’s Boneyard shawl, I think…in two colors, since those are the rules. It’s a simple but good looking shawl and would be good to throw on at work, I think.
I’m still working on my kimono. I have about half a front to finish and then the back and then all the finishing…which involves a lot of knitting, not just sewing.I’d like to start one of the Noro projects I have lined up…but they aren’t really good carry-around projects I don’t think. Well, actually, the vest might be okay to tote around.
So lots of thought, not a lot of action.
So lots of thought, not a lot of action.
Q: And the books?
A: I’ve read some good‘uns. I’ll have to write about them later.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Questions And Answers
Question: So, did you finish those Sunset Socks?
Answer: Sure did! Only took a little over a week. How's that for zippy?
I love these socks. They just feel great and they're just so pretty. I am silly thrilled about them, for some reason. I am even thinking about entering them in the Fair.
Question: Isn't that sort of silly?
Answer: Yeah, probably. But they are perfect. I don't think there's a single mistake and there aren't little holes above the gusset and the toes have those pretty little braids. So I'm thinking about it.
Question: So, what did you do once those socks were finished?
Answer: What do you think?
Question: Start another pair of socks?
Answer: Uh.....yup.
Very different yarn. Much thinner and floopier. (What? Floopier? It's a perfectly cromulent word.) The socks are going to feel lighter, with less body. I'm not sure that "drapey" is really the quality you want in a pair of socks...we shall see. The yarn is from the same company as the Sunset socks...ONLine Supersocke. But the others are from the Wellness Color line (they have aloe and jojoba in the yarn) and these are from the Butterfly Color line.
I don't know that they'll be my favorite socks, but they're okay.

I love these socks. They just feel great and they're just so pretty. I am silly thrilled about them, for some reason. I am even thinking about entering them in the Fair.
Question: Isn't that sort of silly?
Answer: Yeah, probably. But they are perfect. I don't think there's a single mistake and there aren't little holes above the gusset and the toes have those pretty little braids. So I'm thinking about it.
Question: So, what did you do once those socks were finished?
Answer: What do you think?
Question: Start another pair of socks?
Answer: Uh.....yup.

I don't know that they'll be my favorite socks, but they're okay.
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