This is a big ole bag of happy, that's what this is! Yep, this weekend is the Maryland Sheep and Wool Show and that's where Mr. Pointy Sticks and I spent our morning. It's not really Mr. Pointy Sticks' thing but this year we got smart. We took two folding chairs and he took a book and some crossword puzzles and he would settle down in a shady spot and I would run around in the area and then come back to him and sit for a bit and then we'd move the chairs. He was very patient...it was my Mother's Day present.
Ah, I love the colors...look at these:

Not only were there pretty colors, there were pretty sheep.


Ewe! This one is a Tunis sheep...originally the breed was from Tunisia. They have lovely red fleece.

This ewe was a sweetheart. She loved having her head skritched...she was leaning hard into the hand of the person giving her skritches and almost seemed to be smiling. Her front feet were on a bale of hay so that she could see over the railing and you could see her checking people out as they came close.
I am really disappointed because I didn't get a picture of a delightful pair of sheep, black and white, in a pen together, that were adorable...very outgoing and friendly, wanting their heads patted and just being so sweet. (Generally the sheep just ignore you or skitter to the far side of the pen.) When we gave them scratches, they closed their eyes and if they'd been cats, they would have been purring up a storm.
So what did I bring home? Well, unfortunately not a sheep. But some other nice things.
My first stop was at the booth of Creatively Dyed. Diane dyes the most gorgeous yarns.

From left to right: Calypso Queen in Koskelle, Steele in Heat, Beaches in North Beach and Sami in Visionary. So pretty.
I also bought some buttons:

The top two came from a booth in the Main Hall...and darn it, I can't remember the name and the little bag the buttons came in isn't marked with a name. They had gorgeous buttons, though. Lots of beautiful shell buttons and such.
Look at the back of the sleeping cat...

Even the little feet have been carved.
The ceramic button was an imperfect one (little chip on the back) and I bought it because it was pretty but also so that I would remember the name of the dealer, who had lovely ceramic buttons. She had some adorable polka-dotted ones that would be so cute on a Baby Surprise Jacket.
Then I happened to walk by the booth of The Fold and, lo and behold, there was no line either to look at or purchase the Socks That Rock yarn that they bring to the Show. So I wandered in and, a short time later, wandered out with these:

From left to right: Bag Lady, Sassafras, and Storey-time. Very soft and very pretty. A woman standing to my right saw the Bag Lady and said, "Oh, I've used that one. It works up so nicely." And about 2 seconds later, the woman on my left pointed to the Bag Lady and said, "Oooh, I love that one. What's it called? Where'd you find it?"
I also bought a little present for our friend Morgan, who's taken a spinning class. I'll be taking it up to her soon. Shall we just have a little peek?

What? One more little peek?

And on the way out Mr. Pointy Sticks bought me one other little Mother's Day present.

A little silver ball of yarn necklace. That Mr. Pointy Sticks is such a sweetie.
Sigh. Such a good day.