So, I've been poked and prodded and weighed and measured and squished and squoozed. (And frozen a little, was
cold in American Radiology!) Everything seems to be okay...well, the blood pressure medicine has to go up a bit, which isn't good. But I've lost weight since seeing my OB/GYN last month and perhaps, if I keep losing weight, the blood pressure will improve.
Mr. Pointy Sticks and I did treat ourselves to a nice lunch out at Bluestone. Yum. Tuna wrap and asparagus as a side. (What was that I said about losing weight? Hey! At least I didn't have the french fries as a side.)
And we went to Barnes and Noble and they had Wendy Johnson's book...

and now I have it! There are some great patterns in here. Can't wait to get to some of these.
And I got some nice mail that will help me do just that.
I got these from The Loopy Ewe. I must have been feeling blue the day I ordered them. Oh, who am I kidding. I love blues.

The deep blue on the right is a new dyer to me: Monkeypal Hand-Dyed yarns in Nautilus. Gorgeous blues. The middle one is Dream in Color Smooshy in Beach Fog. And the third is Cherry Tree Hill Supersock in Wisteria. So pretty.
I also got this with my credit from Loopy:

The cutest little project bag. Those are little sheepies in a meadow. (The yarn and needles are just there to show scale. The bag arrived empty.) And look at the little zipper pull!

These are from The Dizzy Sheep. I try to check out The Dizzy Sheep every morning and usually I have no problem (well, okay, not too much of a problem) passing up the deals...but the other day they had Jojoland Melody...I love that yarn. So here are three colorways for some pretty socks.

Because I bought six skeins, I got a copy of this pattern for free.

It's a beautiful scarf/stole. But you know what? I already have this pattern...bought it at The Black Sheep. So here we go. If you'd like this pattern, leave a comment. I'll put the names in the hat (if I get more than one) and send the pattern off to the lucky winner. No hoops to jump through...just leave a comment! It's Monday so let's say....I'll pull the winner's name on Thursday afternoon.
And now I'm off to empty trash cans and clean cat boxes. It's a glamorous life.